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Gastrci bypass surgery Puerto Vallarta

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Puerto Vallarta

Embark on your journey to sustainable weight loss and improved health with Mini Gastric Bypass at Hidalgo Bariatrics Puerto Vallarta. Offering a minimally invasive solution for individuals seeking effective weight loss and enhanced well-being, our expert team is dedicated to guiding you towards a healthier lifestyle.

What is Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Mini Gastric Bypass, also known as Single Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (SAGB), is a proven bariatric surgery that combines restriction and malabsorption to facilitate weight loss. By creating a smaller stomach pouch and rerouting a section of the small intestine, this procedure reduces the amount of food you can eat and decreases the absorption of calories and nutrients, resulting in significant weight loss and improvement in weight-related health conditions.

Experience the potential to shed up to 70% of excess weight through Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery. Dr. Hidalgo often recommends this procedure for patients seeking substantial weight loss beyond what a gastric sleeve can provide, without necessitating a full gastric bypass.

Mini gastric bypass surgery puerto vallarta
Mini Gastric Bypass

Benefits of Mini Gastric Bypass

Effective Weight Loss: Experience substantial and sustainable weight loss, leading to improved overall health and quality of life.

Reduced Health Risks: Minimize the risk of obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.

Enhanced Metabolic Health: Achieve better metabolic control and insulin sensitivity, supporting long-term weight management and preventing weight regain.

Minimally Invasive Procedure: Benefit from a less invasive surgical approach, resulting in shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and reduced post-operative discomfort.

Understanding Mini Gastric Bypass: More Than Just a Simplified Option

While the name “mini gastric bypass” may suggest a simplified alternative to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RNY), the reality is far more nuanced. Mini gastric bypass (MGBP) is a unique procedure, blends aspects of gastric sleeve and bypass surgeries. Its primary distinction lies in the single connection it creates with the intestine, unlike the multiple connections of RNY. 

However, the decision between MGBP and other bariatric procedures isn’t always straightforward. Here’s why:

  1. Potential Weight Loss Variability: MGBP typically bypasses less of the intestine compared to standard gastric bypass, potentially leading to slower or less significant weight loss, or even weight regain over time
  2. Digestive Enzyme and Bile Flow: Unlike gastric bypass, MGBP doesn’t divert digestive enzymes and bile away from the stomach. This can result in bile reflux gastritis, causing persistent and challenging-to-treat discomfort. Moreover, bile reflux gastritis may elevate the risk of cancer in the stomach pouch.

Given these considerations, experienced surgeons often recommend MGBP when a patient’s weight exceeds what can be effectively addressed with gastric sleeve alone but falls short of the threshold for traditional gastric bypass surgery.

At Hidalgo Bariatrics Puerto Vallarta, our skilled team ensures thorough evaluations and personalized recommendations to help you navigate the complexities of bariatric surgery. We prioritize your long-term health and well-being, guiding you towards the most suitable treatment option for your unique circumstances.

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery

All inclusive service
$ 7,500
  • Ground Transportation
  • Hotel - 1 night (+1 companion)
  • Hospital - 2 Nights (+1 companion)
  • Blood Work Pre-Operatory Panel
  • X-Ray / EKG
  • Cardiologist Pre-Evaluation
  • Surgery fee
  • Medical Prescription
  • Dietitian Consultation
  • Nutritionist consultation

Take the First Step Towards a Healthier Future

At Hidalgo Bariatrics Puerto Vallarta, your health, satisfaction, and comfort are our top priorities. Start your journey towards a healthier, more vibrant life with us by your side.

Click below to see if you qualify for our bariatric procedures.
Begin the path to a healthier, more vibrant life today!

Why Choose Hidalgo Bariatrics Puerto Vallarta?

At Hidalgo Bariatrics Puerto Vallarta, we understand that weight loss is a journey, and we are committed to providing comprehensive care and support every step of the way. Our experienced medical team utilizes advanced surgical techniques and personalized treatment plans to ensure optimal outcomes for our patients.

Gastric sleeve surgery not only helps with initial weight loss but also assists in long-term weight management. With proper diet and lifestyle adjustments, the results can be permanent.

Success stories from happy patients.


Everything is great, I was nervous about the surgery but it wasn´t bad at all, there was no pain and everything was so smooth, they made you feel super comfortable the nurses were super nice! I highly recommend Dr. Hidalgo and his team.